I’m using bodyposition to move the part back to my hand after it’s launched, but as you can see in the clip, it just teleports right back to my righthand. I can’t tell if it’s moving really fast or if it’s just teleporting. How do I slow down the body position so that the part can be seen travelling back?
This is the part of the script that handles the bodyposition (excerpt):
Mjolnir.Parent = Character
local BodyPosition = Instance.new("BodyPosition",Mjolnir)
local BodyGyro = Instance.new("BodyGyro",Mjolnir)
Mjolnir.Anchored = false
BodyPosition.MaxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
BodyPosition.D = math.huge
BodyPosition.P = 0
BodyPosition.Position = RightHand.Position
It’s warping to its default position. I am using movers in a pet system I have, and when it isn’t in a loop, it warps to that position, the default. Place the BodyPosition.Position = RightHand.Position line inside of a while wait() do, or any other loop, and it wouldn’t warp like that