What it looks like: https://gyazo.com/975650a635930dbb1ecc2cff07a5e3a0
At that angle, why are the rays going up? How do I fix this? I have no idea how to counter this. Something to do with camera collision?
What it looks like: https://gyazo.com/975650a635930dbb1ecc2cff07a5e3a0
At that angle, why are the rays going up? How do I fix this? I have no idea how to counter this. Something to do with camera collision?
If you want me to show you my script, I surely can. I’m not sure if this is ROBLOX’s problem or my script’s problem.
What direction vector are you putting in for the ray?
local ray = Ray.new(barrelPos, (mousePos - barrelPos).Unit * 50)