Why is the studio not showing an accurate representation?

I’ve had this problem, but the thing was on that other map, the building was spinning.
This one isn’t even spinning.

In studio:

In game:

Everything is anchored. It is extremely annoying so how does it happen? How can I prevent it?

To add, the positions are different as well? The positions equal to what I see in game yet in studio, it shows different results.
The easier way is to make a new part of course but I’d just like to know why the studio doesn’t show an accurate representation of it

That is an unusual phenomenon, what do you use to build? If it’s the default ROBLOX draggers then that shouldn’t happen, verify your plugins arent by rogue creators in case this is some weird “exploit” where the plugins unanchor then anchor things to skew builds, and if none of those are the issue, it might be worth going to Engine Bugs and see if anyone is having similar issues.

Hello. Other users have experienced similar problems, this may be more common than it seems. On an older thread, apparently still unsolved (not the only one), people associated a strange misplacement of anchored parts with TeamCreate. Did you use this tool?

Also, as Tyanarus suggested, check that you don’t have any plugin or, especially, scripts that could be causing this.

You can use Ctrl+Shift+X to filter objects and disable these scripts, or run this command in the command bar to delete any self-executing script: local function h(c) for i = 1, #c do v = c[i] if v:IsA("BaseScript") then v:Destroy() end end end h(workspace:GetDescendants()) h(game.ServerScriptService:GetDescendants())

To do this kind of tests, [color=red]use a copy of your game[/color] so it isn’t accidentally overwritten and you lose work!

If none of this works, try selecting all workspace children (except camera and terrain) and copy it. Open a brand new place (delete the baseplate if you want), paste it anywhere but inside the workspace and then drag it in the explorer to parent it to the workspace (directly parenting it to the workspace could result in all your game stuff being misplaced). Press F5 and check if the problem persists…

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I don’t use TeamCreate. All my plugins are trusted ones, but I will check them as well. Would this be considered an Engine Bug?

Yes, it could be an engine bug. However, don’t jump to report it yet. You will be asked to provide a repro, otherwise the report will be useless.

First make sure there are no scripts (I’m talking about scripts inside the game, not just Studio plugins).

Just so we can discard something else, unions are currently pretty buggy. Could it be possible that the misplaced parts were separated from a previous union?

Also, try to remove welds from nearby parts. These can make parts randomly offset too (only with unanchored parts afaik, but why not give it a try).

Finally, when you test your game, try using Test > Run instead of Test > Play. If the parts are correctly aligned, it would mean there’s a problem locally.

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I’ve had this issue last summer with a model.

The model kept getting teleported to a specific coordinate every time you joined the game.

My fix for it was to ungroup everything, then group it back again.
Check if that works.

Also, as other people suggested, make sure there is no rouge script or plugin unanchoring and anchoring everything, or that mess with position.

This could as well be the hand of a faulty building plugin.

Yes! Today, things changed and it got even more worse. Randomly, the street walk does this:

As I was building yesterday, randomly, the streets had moved, I just thought I might’ve randomly selected everything and moved it. So I moved back the streets in place, but for some reason, it never saves and ends up having these random holes:

It’s so annoying, randomly it has these holes, I fix it, the next day, they come back. It’s definitely teleporting to a specific coordinate, except they’re not grouped.

About the street walks, it’s never looked like that yesterday when I tested or in studio. It seems to just be teleporting in random coordinates actually, not specific ones.

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It’s common for building plugins to glitch and move bricks without you knowing, using multiple plugins at the same time does this.

If you think it’s an issue with Studio, it’s best to reinstall it.


Yeah, I might disable my plugins overnight and see what happens then.

Edit: I just copied the game to a new baseplate, and everything is in place. I’m truly confused.


Do you have collisions enabled?

No, I don’t.