Why is this erroring?

Self explanatory, attempt to index nil with 'pos'

local self = setmetatable({
		text = text:split(""),
		pos = 0,
		char = text[pos] or nil
	}, lexer)
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In Lua, Lua doesn’t start their indexing position with 0, this means you’re trying to index the 0 position of the table which will error.

Right, I forgot about that, but I’m still getting the error. I assume its something to do with scopes.

Never mind, I found the error.

You cannot reference a key for another key’s value in a table. You are doing this:

local t = {
    "Hey" = "Oh",
    "Bruh!" = "Hey" -- imagine you are referring the key value of "Hey"

You could either just set text[pos] to text[1] or something.

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