Why is this game name getting moderated?

Hello! I am not sure if this is the right place to post and correct me if it’s not so I can post there instead.

Upon trying to edit my game name, for some reason, the word “Introvert” gets moderated. I wanted to name it “The Introvert Experience”, but roblox moderation finds it inappropriate for some reason :confused: Is there something I can do?


I think Roblox finds it inappropriate because the definition of ‘Introvert’ means a shy, reticent person. This word could be used in many ways appropriately or inappropriately but Roblox probably just prefers to block that word entirely for personal reasons.

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That’s sad, I don’t think it should be moderated tbh.

What if I mark the game as 13+ or something, would it work?

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I agree because I doubt you are going to use it in an inappropriate way.

Sadly, being Roblox, I wouldn’t think that by changing the age requirement of your game will allow you to use this item/word.



It turns out the reason the name was moderated was actually because of the description! I included the “@” character while mentioning a friend’s username; apparently, that’s not allowed, but otherwise, everything works well!

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