Why is this GUI acting strangely?

So basically I have a ‘level picking’ GUI that lets you pick levels from a world. But I am having some issues in there (Issues I need help solving: It requires you to press the forward button to go up on level, and it can’t go back to level1 even if you press the back button several times, Level text label not changing text), that I can’t figure out why it is happening.

Here is the model:

Put the ‘Map’ folder in the workspace, put the GUI in the StarterGUI, Put the CameraEvents in the ReplicatedStorage, put the CameraClient in the StarterCharacter.

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I was actually able to fix the problems in the ClickClient script. So basicly I changed the

if L == 1 and L > 1 then – 1
Level = World.Value.Level1


if L == 1 and L >= 1 then – 1
Level = World.Value.Level1

Instead of:

local L = 0

it is now:

local L = 1.

I still have one issue with it, but I think I can take It from here. If I continue to have problems, I will unmark this as the solution, and bump it saying I still have issues, and what issues I am having.