Why is this happening (Blender)

So I went back on blender and I saw this…

And whenever I try to select something to move a hand or leg, it selects everything!
Also, why is it starting with that character, not the purple one?

I don’t really use blender so I don’t know, but maybe you grouped it or something? Sorry if this isn’t helpful. Also the character looks great!

Hello, i know what that is. I got once that problem to, you just gotta reset blender and place the rig all over again. Cause it could be because you deleted the texture or replaced it somewhere.

I believe this is happening because you’re in object mode. Try switching over to edit mode in the bottom left corner.

Of course, why didn’t I think of that!

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Reset the whole thing, like the whole app?

yeah restart the whole program

I just checked… again… and it only allows me to be able to do object mode…

Ok, I will do that! Thank you so much!

To solve the “select everything” just select the skeleton (not the body) and switch the Object mode to Pose Mode

To solve the problem with the starting file just delete the PaintRigv3.blend1 to restore the previous version.

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Do you see those little black square things on the character? Those represent all the joints. You should click on those and then that puts you in pose mode.

Ok, thank you so much! :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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So, when you said that I had to reset the blender, I loaded factory preferences. Then, how do I place the rig all over again?

you got that blender package from youtube right? what you do is restall that package you downloaded on youtube and open that again BUT make sure you dont save any blender files this can screw up the save data and you will get that.

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Do you know any video that shows what to do because people/friend confused me, so my thoughts are going everywhere!

you don’t need to restart anything

you can try following this tutorial