Why is this happening? Let me know if this is in the wrong topic

Why does this happen?

I do have a script in it so it will move forward

local Speed = script.Parent.Speed.Value

while true do 
	script.Parent.Velocity = script.Parent.CFrame.LookVector*Speed

I’ve messed around with density for a little bit and tried massless still happens. How can I make it so it doesnt wobble like that?
I’ve also tried adding like a balance board type thing (didnt work).
Never used water physic before
Screenshot 2023-08-05 212515


I believe it happens because the physics engine sees the thing as a single part and doesn’t really take its shape into much consideration, which will allow it to wobble easier. You could try adding an invisible and cancollide=false part welded to the ring a few studs under it, that has a higher mass than the ring itself.

I cant figure out the problem, so I tried using non terrain water and it works fine. Thanks for trying to help