Why is this happening?

Can someone explain me why this happens?
When grabbing an Accessory which has a Handle with CanCollide = false, and Parent it to a Player’s folder the CanCollide property becomes true

local newA = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("accessory"):Clone()
warn(newA.Handle.CanCollide) -- CanCollide is False

	print(newA.Handle.CanCollide) -- CanCollide is False
	newA.Parent = game.Players.A_PLAYER.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Folder
	warn(newA.Handle.CanCollide) -- CanCollide is True


You are observing this behavior because of the way Roblox handles accessories when they are added to a player character. When an accessory is added to the player, Roblox can automatically change certain properties of the accessory to ensure that it works correctly with the animation and physics of the character

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If you notice it in the script, after the Accessory is added into the Character the CanCollide property still on False, but, when the Accessory is parented to a simple folder inside Player instance not the Character one, the CanCollide changes to True.

I agree with you that is the way that Roblox handles it, but I don’t think its related with managing physics, I would agree with that if the change of the property would happen when its parented to the character, but in this case its parented to a folder inside a GUI

In your case, it seems that the CanCollide property of the handle of the accessory is being automatically set to true when you parent it to the PlayerGui folder. This is likely due to how Roblox handles the physics of accessories when they are attached to a character.

If you want to maintain control over the CanCollide property, you may need to explicitly set it after parenting the accessory to the desired folder

newA.Parent = game.Players.A_PLAYER.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Folder
newA.Handle.CanCollide = false -- Set it back to false if needed
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Thank you, yes, thats whats Im doing, its the only way I assume. Im not exactly asking how to fix, I just wanna know why this is happening, why that property is getting changed when the Accessory goes into a Folder, which still makes no sense talking about Physics, its a Folder not inside the character, not inside the workspace, it’s not related with Physics.

May I ask if you are using an AI to reply? :sweat_smile: