Why is this no string?[Solved]

Hello developers,
I made a notification system, where clients can send RemoteEvents to the server, the server sends it back to the client, and a notification is shown. Everything works perfectly, but I tried setting this message as a notification:

local notification = "You picked up an item."

And it gives me this error:

 Unable to assign property Text. string expected, got Instance.

I tried it with other messages, and everything worked perfectly. What is the issue here? Am I just not realizing something? Any help is greatly appreaciated! :slight_smile:

If anyone wants the full scripts, here they are:
Script that sends the notification:

local notification = "You picked up an item."
local colora = 1
local colorb = 1
local colorc = 1
local tme = 5
game.ReplicatedStorage.NotificationEvent:FireServer(player, notification, colora, colorb, colorc, tme)

The server script:

game.ReplicatedStorage.NotificationEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, notification, colora, colorb ,colorc, tme)
	game.ReplicatedStorage.NotificationEvent:FireClient(player, notification, colora, colorb ,colorc, tme)

The script inside the notification frame:

notificationallclientsevent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(notification, colora, colorb, colorc, tme)
	local clone = notificationframe:Clone()
	if notification == "" then
		clone.AnimationFrame.Notification.Text = "Notification could not be loaded."
		clone.AnimationFrame.Notification.Text = notification

(The rest of the scripts aren’t important.)
Thanks in advance! :smiley:

Remove player from fire server, player is given automatically and you can see read it in the documentation.

For whatever reason it works now… I guess I didn’t realize that. Thanks for helping! (Even though I still don’t understand why it works now because I used that method before, but whatever.) I’m gonna go ahead and close this then. Thanks!

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