Why is this not working?

Why is this not working?

Local Script:

LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
Name = script.Parent.Name
game.ReplicatedStorage.Flash:Fire(LocalPlayer, Name)

Server Script:

game.ReplicatedStorage.Flash.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(LocalPlayer, Name)
e = game.ServerStorage.Flash[Name]:Clone()
e.Parent = LocalPlayer.Character
e.Position = LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
e.Orientation = LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation
e.WeldConstraint.Part1 = LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart


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You don’t need to pass the player when firing the server. Also, to fire the server it’s FireServer rather than just Fire

EDIT: So this would be the correct way to do it game.ReplicatedStorage.Flash:FireServer(Name)

Oh okay. Thank you for your answer.

If it solves your issue please could you remember to mark it as the solution for future users with a similar issue?

Okay, I will! I am testing it now.

Thanks :slight_smile:. Enjoy the rest of your day

Same for you too. :slight_smile: