Why is this not working?

Hello. I have this script to set a value to the part material and it’s not working

local Part = script.Parent

local Material = Instance.new("StringValue")

Material.Parent = Part

Material.Value = Part.Material

Material.Name = "Material"

Try using tostring(Part.Material) instead of Part.Material — This will turn the Part’s Material into a string, As the Material is an Enum Item.


The part’s Material property value is an enum value, not a string value.

Material.Value = Part.Material.Name -- The name of the Enum not the Enum itself.
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How do I add that material back to the part

this will not work

part.Material = Material.Value

Did you forget to capitalize Part? If that doesn’t help this is an alternative →

Part.Material = Enum.Material[Material.Value]
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What specifically isn’t working? Are there any errors in output?

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there are no errors in output I am trying to change the part material to the value in the part

local Part = script.Parent

local Material = Instance.new(“StringValue”)

Material.Parent = Part

Material.Value = Part.Material.Name

Material.Name = “Material”

Part.Material = Enum.Material[Material.Value]

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Try this script:

local Part = script.Parent
local Material = Instance.new("StringValue")

Material.Parent = Part
Material.Value = tostring(Part.Material)
Material.Name = "Material"

Part.Material = Enum.Material[Material.Value]

Let me know if that works.

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I get this error

String needs to be without the enum.Material, try the one I sent

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local Part = script.Parent
local Material = Instance.new("StringValue")

Material.Parent = Part
Material.Value = tostring(Part.Material.Name)
Material.Name = "Material"

Part.Material = Enum.Material[Material.Value]

This should work-- I forgot that Part.Material returns Enum.Material.Plastic instead of simply Plastic.

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