Why is this Remote Function invoked at the start of every Play test, then doesn't work

This remote function has been bothering me lately and I want to know a quick work around to this. I am not sure if this is a Studio/Engine bug, but I am struggling to understand why this is happening.

Context and explanation

  • The main idea is to have a Local script detect a “Player Ready” button press and send the player’s details over to a server script to register the player as ready(and register a few of his details as well).
  • Problem: Immediately as I start the play test, the remote Function gets invoked for no reason, then later becomes irresponsive and stops working(can’t get invoked again)
  • The remote function is in Replicated storage, the local script is in StarterPlayerScripts, while the server script is in the workspace
  • Pointer: This seems to be occurring only with remote functions that are called by scripts which go from client to server


local script(StarterPlayerScripts)

local function onReadyPress(playerNumber, button)
	print("onReadyPress Activated") -- Ready button was pressed
	if playerNumber == 1 and button == ready1Button then -- checks if player clicks on his own ready button
		local readyBool = changeButton(button)
		playerReadyRF:InvokeServer(player.Name, playerNumber, readyBool, TableInstance)
	elseif playerNumber == 2 and button == ready2Button then
		local readyBool = changeButton(button)
		playerReadyRF:InvokeServer(player.Name, playerNumber, readyBool, TableInstance)

Server script(workspace[inside a model])

local function onPlayerReady(player, playerName, playerNumber, readyBool, _TableInstance)
	if TableInstance == _TableInstance then -- code from here on out registers the player as ready
		if player1.Value == playerName then
			ready1 = readyBool
		elseif player2.Value == playerName then
			ready2 = readyBool	
		print(playerName .. " has ready set to : " .. readyBool)
playerReadyRF.OnServerInvoke = onPlayerReady()

Visual representation of the problem
Every time I play test, the remote function gets invoked and later on doesn’t work
RF being invoked immediately

Button being pressed 3 times with no response from RF

What I tried and tested

  • I tried to replicate this in a new place and I got the same results. I basically made a button and had a local script to detect when the button is pressed and then invoke the remote function. The same thing still happened when I pressed play.
  • I even deleted the local script and just remained with the server script code and the same thing still happened.
  • I tried starting Roblox studio without plugins enabled
  • I tried restarting my PC, just incase it was a problem on my end. Same results
  • I tried putting the Server script in ServerScriptService instead of the Workspace.model
  • Another important pointer: The server script looks like it could be the problem, because it seems to only affect RFs which are used by Scripts that use the .OnServerInvoke event.

So I am starting to doubt myself and wonder what to do to find a solution to this. Is it a bug?.. I don’t know. I do feel like I am doing something wrong, so I would appreciate as much help as I could get.

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on the local script, is there anything that fires the onReadyPress function?

Yes, there is a Mouse1ButtonClick that does this. But if it was fired, I would have known because the function the Mouse1buttonclick is connected to(onReadyPress function) has a print(“onReadyPress”) before it invokes the server.

But to make things even more confusing, I deleted the entire Local script and only remained with the server script… and the same thing still happened! I 'm starting to believe the local script doesn’t have an effect to the problem


	onReadyPress(playerNumber, ready1Button)
	onReadyPress(playerNumber, ready2Button)

is there any clone of the code? or something? you should try using the Search tool on the scripts that you suspect of causing the error

Okay, I tried searching for any clones(scripts, code, RFs), but found non.
I do want to point out something, I tried recreating this weird scenario like this.

  1. I created a new place and added a remote function to replicated storage
  2. I created a server script inside Server Script Service
  3. I added the following code to the script
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local remoteFunction = ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction

local function onRemoteFunctionInvoke(player, playerName, userID)
	print("Server Invoked")

remoteFunction.OnServerInvoke = onRemoteFunctionInvoke()
  1. Making a local script is optional, but this bug can still happen without it.
  2. Press play and …

dang… so it is that code…

what if here

you try removing the ()

is my last idea (prob wont work)

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The issue is that when you connect the remote function to the function you call it because you are doing

remoteFunction.OnServerInvoke = onRemoteFunction()

This will call the function as soon as the thread runs (start of play test)

to fix this you would just simply do

remoteFunction.OnServerInvoke = onRemoteFunction

This should fix your isssue

(like the person above stated)



bruh i cant belive

bruh i responded without reading the replies.

no i mean, i accidentally replied good, i didnt mean to say that you are copying

Oh my gosh, it was that all along :joy:. I actually can’t believe I forgot to remove the brackets

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Nice, this is a more in depth explanation, I see now.
Thanks for the notice

I would say that Roblox should try to find a little way of not automatically adding brackets at the end of .OnServerInvoke event connects lol.
Thanks guys