Why Is This Roblox Face Low Quality

Hey everyone, so I went onto the toolbox searching for some cute faces and found one, finally found one I like and it looked kind of pixely which is kind of weird? So I took the head out of the character model (look at the workspace) and it went really high quality, is there any way to stop this happening while having the head in the character model?


There’s a head in both of them. I don’t understand what you mean by taking out the head. Please elaborate more.

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@sikowwitzz took the head part out of the characters model, and the decal (face) got higher quality when done so

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But I can see the head in explorer in both pictures, so I’m a little confused.

Edit: Nevermind, I see now.


So I imported an avatar, then the avatar comes with legs, arms as you know, but I dragged the head and put it in the workspace

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In one of them the head is not inside the character (the high quality one), and in the other the head is inside the character.

(By character I mean the model in workspace.)


Is there anything else in the head?


just this properties

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Try using a SurfaceGui if possible. Create the SurfaceGui inside the head and put an ImageLabel into the SurfaceGui. Inside the new ImageLabel, make sure you set BackgroundTransparency to 1, set the offset of both the X and Y of the Size to 0, and set the scale of both the X and Y of the Size to 1, and set the Image to the id in the face decal.

Make sure you delete the face decal after for it to work lol

oh and the offset is the second box under size and the scale is the first box under size

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I think, and only think, that something in the head changes when parented to a model with a humanoid. Compare the properties of the head’s children when in the character, and when not.

It’s probably because ROBLOX wants to reduce lag since there is a 700 player limit, in the past when the servers couldn’t be as big this may not have occured since there wouldnt be as many characters

I also noticed this a while ago when making my game. I think, that general Humanoid characters have lower quality in general, for performance reasons.

(What I am trying to say is that when you look at it, every player is a humanoid, and I think by lowering humanoid’s quality, roblox can then have a lot of players in a world. Think of it like this, if humanoids were to be High Quality, (and when I say quality, I man shirt quality, pants quality, face decal quality, accessory quality, etc…) then roblox would run much slower than usual.)

My theory is that this is roblox trying to boost performance, lets be honest, nobody will play in zooming in peoples characters. By you removing the head from the model, you are disconnecting the Head from the Humanoid, making roblox recognize it as an independent part, and no longer making roblox recognize it as a character part thus removing the performance boost practices that roblox automatically applies to all characters. And as we know, roblox is constantly trying to better its performance, and one performance booting example is for them to lower the Character’s quality, including the face decal, shirt graphic, pants graphic, etc…

This is self explanatory since roblox has been recently rolling updates that allow games with 700 people! Which is insane, and by the logical thing, they are of course trying to put the performance concern to the top of their to do list, while trying to stabilize the 700 player cap at the same moment.

So, I don’t think there is an way to bypass this that easily, you can still try to mess with SurfaceGuis and other stuff that allows you to insert pictures into roblox, also if you find something that works, please point it out, since I really also need resolution to this, since I am making an detailed chracter creator for one of my games.

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Make an invisible head inside the player and put the decal on that


You can fix this by either making an invisible fake head and put the decal on there or set the head’s transparency to 0.01 or Reflectance to 0.02