Why is this value nil?

So I’m making a notification gui that you are able to create a notification through a remote event. For some reason when I’m firing it to tell the player what Item they have just picked up it returns nil for the text I’m sending. Here’s the scripts:

Notification creation script:

game.ReplicatedStorage.NotifEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(name, text)
	local clone = script.Parent.Template:Clone()
	clone.Name = name
	clone.Text = text..name
	clone.Visible = true
	clone.Parent = script.Parent

Pickup script (script firing remote event):

	local Item = script.Parent.Parent
	local Artifact = script.Parent.Parent.AName.Value
	local Amount = script.Parent.Parent.Amount.Value
	game.ReplicatedStorage.PickupArtifact:FireClient(player, Item)
	local Value = Instance.new("IntValue")
	Value.Name = Artifact
	Value.Value = Amount
	Value.Parent = player.AllArtifacts
	local Clone = Value:Clone()
	Value.Name = Artifact
	Value.Value = Amount
	Clone.Parent = player.Artifacts
	game.ReplicatedStorage.NotifEvent:FireClient(player, Item.Name, "Picked up ")

The weirdest thing about this is that I’m firing the same remote event in the same format in another script when the player sells an item, and that works just fine. Here’s that:

game.ReplicatedStorage.SellArtifact.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, artifact)
	local Cash = player.leaderstats.Bucks
	Cash.Value += artifact.Value
	game.ReplicatedStorage.NotifEvent:FireClient(player, artifact.Name, "Sold ")

The picking up an item script makes the notification creation script print nil for the text.

Sorry if this didn’t make sense lol, I typed this pretty fast.

ur sending name , text i think it needs a player first try : player , name , text

Don’t know why it happened in the first place, but I ended up changing the variable that gives the remote event the item’s name and that fixed it.