Why is white so dark?

ParticleEmitters with brightness set to 1, LightInfluence and LightEmission set to 0, and color set to (255, 255, 255) are displaying in this manner:

This isn’t intuitive, I’d expect these settings to lead to the brightest white. This occurs for highlights, particle emitters, and BillboardGUIs. Now setting the ParticleEmitter brightness to 2 makes the white closer to (255), but this can’t be done for highlights or bubble chat

Anyone experienced this? If so, do you know a fix? If this doesn’t happen to you, please send a screenshot of this sort of repro


The issue can be seen clearly in this new baseplate experience:


Here to confirm, I’ve messed with all the properties in Lighting and they have no effect (thankfully).
It seems to cap at #dfdfdf at Brightness 1. This might be a bug if it’s intended to be equal to the Color value.