ok. so i’ve been working on following a tutorial for a voting system, and then i ran into a bug that i think might even be with roblox itself!
because it won’t print even the first line of code, and yet all it is defining variables, very confused and in need of help.
this is the piece of code:
print("attempting to define variables")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local voted = player:WaitForChild("voted")
local rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local votere = rep:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent"):WaitForChild("Vote")
local variables = rep:WaitForChild("Variables")
local boolean = rep:WaitForChild("Booleans"):WaitForChild("RevealVotes")
local choice = variables:WaitForChild("Choice1")
local votechoice = variables:WaitForChild("VoteChoice1")
local votescounter = script.Parent.Screen.SurfaceGui.Votes
print("variables defined")
it’s under a model that’s under a model in workspace, and it’s a local script, thanks for reading and please help!
[ for context it won’t print even in console:
" attempting to define variables "
which is really annoying. ]