Why isn't my camera shake working?

function ShakeCamera.playShake(self: self): ()
	local shakeOffset = Vector3.new(
		MATH_RANDOM(-self.ShakeIntensity, self.ShakeIntensity),
		MATH_RANDOM(-self.ShakeIntensity, self.ShakeIntensity),
		MATH_RANDOM(-self.ShakeIntensity, self.ShakeIntensity)
	local originalOffset = VECTOR_3(0, 0, 0)
	local currentTime = os.clock()
	local deltaTime = (currentTime / self.ShakeSpeed)
	humanoid.CameraOffset = originalOffset + shakeOffset * (1 - deltaTime)
	humanoid.CameraOffset = originalOffset

Are you firing the function? And how does it not work, put some print statements to see if it runs or not.

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character
local humanoid = character.Humanoid:: Humanoid

local camera = workspace.Camera
local TABLE_CLEAR = table.clear
local VECTOR_3 = Vector3.new
local MATH_RANDOM = math.random

local ShakeCamera = {}
ShakeCamera.__index = ShakeCamera

function ShakeCamera.new(shakeIntensity: number, shakeSpeed: number): self
	assert(type(shakeIntensity) == "number" and assert(type(shakeSpeed) == "number"))
	local self = setmetatable({}, ShakeCamera)
	self.ShakeIntensity = shakeIntensity
	self.ShakeSpeed = shakeSpeed
	return self

function ShakeCamera.playShake(self: self): ()
	local shakeOffset = Vector3.new(
		MATH_RANDOM(-self.ShakeIntensity, self.ShakeIntensity),
		MATH_RANDOM(-self.ShakeIntensity, self.ShakeIntensity),
		MATH_RANDOM(-self.ShakeIntensity, self.ShakeIntensity)
	local originalOffset = VECTOR_3(0, 0, 0)
	humanoid.CameraOffset = originalOffset + shakeOffset
	task.wait() -- if i add a time this time is not valid...
	humanoid.CameraOffset = originalOffset

function ShakeCamera.setShakeIntensity(self: self, shakeIntensity: number): ()
	assert(type(shakeIntensity) == "number")
	self.ShakeIntensity = shakeIntensity

function ShakeCamera.setShakeSpeed(self: self, shakeSpeed: number): ()
	assert(type(shakeSpeed) == "number")

	self.ShakeSpeed = shakeSpeed

function ShakeCamera.remove(self: self)
	setmetatable(self, nil)

export type self = typeof(ShakeCamera.new(...))

return {
	new = ShakeCamera.new

Can I see the script you’re firing from? You can also try to make a while loop and just fire that function.

I understood the error. Since I’m using a RunService for a magnitude system, I’m calling the shake function at the same time. How can I remedy this? I tried using a coroutine.

By the way, there’s no need to create an object for a camera shake.