Why isn't my characterAdded event firing?

None of these print statements are firing and I have no idea why:

game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- Fires whenever a player joins the game
	local success, owned = pcall(MarketPlaceService.UserOwnsGamePassAsync, MarketPlaceService, player.UserId, 98681915) -- Checks if player owns the "2X kills gamepass", pcall just means it keeps calling it until its successful

	if success and owned then -- Sets an attirbute to true if they own it, I check if this attritbute is true in my killHandler script and if it is I give +2 kills instead of +1
		player:SetAttribute("GamepassOwned", true)
	elseif not success then
		player:Kick("Failed to retrieve gamepass data. Please rejoin!")
		player:SetAttribute("GamepassOwned", false)
	player:SetAttribute("Kills", 0)
	player:SetAttribute("Deaths", 0)
	player:GetAttributeChangedSignal("InGame"):Connect(function() -- If the value changes this function is called
		updateResetButton:FireClient(player) -- Fires the client to disable/enable the reset button based on the value
	player:SetAttribute("InGame", false) -- The reason I set it to false and then true is because if i just set it to false straight away, the value changed function wouldn't be called, so I set it to true then false so its called when a player first joins the game too
		print("Char Added")
		if player:GetAttribute("InGame") == false then
			print("Called :)")
			local winstreakGuiClone = winstreakGui:Clone()
			winstreakGuiClone.Parent = workspace[player.Name].Head
			if player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Winstreak").Value == 0 then
				print("0 Winstreak)")
				winstreakGuiClone.Enabled = false
				winstreakGuiClone.Enabled = true

I thought i’d keep the code above the characterAdded event in incase it had something to do with it. Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

you might be connecting the event after the players character already loaded, try joining the game and resetting ur character, then it should print, to fix this you can just add

local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

in the first line of the playeradded event, then do all your stuff that you do in the characteradded function outside of it too

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Do it the other way round, I remember having a similiar bug a long time ago.

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Thank you both for your help, the function is getting called now, only issue is its saying that “rafferty05” is not in the workspace, even though it is. Any ideas why?

Could you show your updated code, and what line you are getting the error on?

game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- Fires whenever a player joins the game
	player:GetAttributeChangedSignal("InGame"):Connect(function() -- If the value changes this function is called
		updateResetButton:FireClient(player) -- Fires the client to disable/enable the reset button based on the value

	player:SetAttribute("InGame", false) -- The reason I set it to false and then true is because if i just set it to false straight away, the value changed function wouldn't be called, so I set it to true then false so its called when a player first joins the game too
		print("Char Added")
		if player:GetAttribute("InGame") == false then
			print("Called :)")
			local winstreakGuiClone = winstreakGui:Clone()
			winstreakGuiClone.Parent = workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name).Head
			if player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Winstreak").Value == 0 then
				print("0 Winstreak)")
				winstreakGuiClone.Enabled = false
				winstreakGuiClone.Enabled = true


’ Char Added - Server - LobbyHandler:27
15:38:30.294 Called - Server - LobbyHandler:29
15:38:30.294 ServerScriptService.LobbyHandler:31: attempt to index nil with ‘Head’

CharacterAdded event provides a character argument, change
and instead of doing workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name), you can just do char.Head

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Working perfectly, thank the both of you very much for your help :slight_smile:

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No problem. Good luck on your game or whatever you’re doing :smile:

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