Why isn't my gui showing, although I told it to show with my script?

Hey everyone… So I want a Gui to show up after the player clicks “Play” on the play screen. It doesn’t work for some reason. I put some prints to debug, and the prints are showing up so its not a script issue. When the player clicks play, the play screen goes away, but the other stuff I want showing doesn’t! Am I doing something wrong? Thank you.

My script:

game.StarterGui.PlayScreenGui.Frame.PlayBtn.Title.Visible = true 

	script.Parent.Parent.Transparency = 1 
	script.Parent.Visible = false
	game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.Warn.TextLabel.Visible = true
	print("Warning vis")
	game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.Warn.TextLabel.TextButton.Visible = true

Thank you!

Make script.Parent visible and it’s not in StarterGui anymore… it’s in game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.

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What do you mean? Could you please elaborate?

The problem is that, starterGui is not the players GUI.The GUIs in startgergui get cloned to the players gui, so you would have to go into the playergui

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Ahh got it thank you so much! I appriciate your help!

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