Why isn't my mesh uploading?

For a while I have been importing meshes into roblox but not until recently I have been importing meshes and this has been happening:

Please tell me what is wrong.

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Hi! It would be more useful for us to find out what is wrong if you were to post a video of the steps you’re making to insert your mesh, or you could write out a list of the steps you are taking. Thank you!

Once I make the mesh I export it then go to studio and make a mesh part then import it

Do any error boxes come up? The most likely issue is that the mesh you’ve exported has become corrupted in some way, or you’re choosing the wrong file. Try re-exporting the mesh and then importing the new file in. I also suggest trying to Restart Roblox studio.

No I use the same folder for every mesh

If I delete a block in edit mode but still is a part in object mode will that affect it? Because when you export a simple tree it gets through

I don’t have much experience with Blender (Or whatever program you’re using), but try to see if you can re-export your mesh as a .obj using a different method (like the one you suggested) and see if that will work. If we can’t find the root of the problem, trial and error will help us solve it.

ok thank you for your support, I will try to look at it and see the problems, thank you for the support.