Why isn't my Roblox -> Discord Webhook working?


I’ve been attempting to create a logging system for my in-game anti-exploit. My goal is to send each log to discord using a webhook, but for some reason it isn’t working. It isn’t showing any error messages either.

Here is my script, obviously I censored the webhook URL.

local http = game:GetService("HttpService")

game.ReplicatedStorage.AE.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, gen, reason)
   local Data = {
   	["content"] = "**Anti-Exploit report from"..game.Name;
   	["embed"] = {
   		["Title"] = "__Anti-Exploit Report__";
   		["Description"] = "An AE report has been received on"..game.Name.."today.";
   		["type"] = "rich";
   		["color"] = tonumber(0xb40000);
   		["fields"] = {
   				["name"] = "**Reported User: **",
   				["value"] = plr.Name,
   				["inline"] = true
   				["name"] = "**Time: **",
   				["value"] = os.time(),
   				["inline"] = true
   				["name"] = "**Reason: **",
   				["value"] = reason,
   				["inline"] = true
   				["name"] = "**Report ID: **",
   				["value"] = gen,
   				["inline"] = true
   	Data = http:JSONEncode(Data)

   http:PostAsync("WEBHOOK HERE", Data)


If you require any other information or scripts, please comment and let me know.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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Your fields are incorrect. “embed” should be “embeds”, also “embeds” should be an array of embed objects (tables) with the embed information. “Title” and “Description” should be lowercase

local Data = {
	["content"] = "**Anti-Exploit report from " .. game.Name;
	["embeds"] = {
			["title"] = "__Anti-Exploit Report__";
			["description"] = "An AE report has been received on " .. game.Name .. " today.";
			["type"] = "rich";
			["color"] = tonumber(0xb40000);
			["fields"] = {
					["name"] = "**Reported User: **",
					["value"] = plr.Name,
					["inline"] = true
					["name"] = "**Time: **",
					["value"] = os.time(),
					["inline"] = true
					["name"] = "**Reason: **",
					["value"] = reason,
					["inline"] = true
					["name"] = "**Report ID: **",
					["value"] = gen,
					["inline"] = true



This worked, but I’ve been receiving “Error 429” after.
The AE report’s purpose was an auto-clicker, I believe that’s the reason why I’m getting the error.
Here’s the script that fires the Remote Event:

	local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
		local reason = "Usage of Auto-Clicker"
		game.ReplicatedStorage.AE:FireServer(gen, reason)
		game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("Reason Removed for space")

What can I add to this script to prevent the error code?

You should add a cooldown. Error 429 means you’re getting rate-limited by discord

I’ve tried this but it didn’t work:

if tick() - last <= 0.1 then
		local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
		local reason = "Usage of Auto-Clicker"
		game.ReplicatedStorage.AE:FireServer(gen, reason)

Any ideas?

local last = 0
    if tick() - last > 1 then
        last = tick()
        -- run your code
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Just a tip, you shouldn’t run this on the client. They can easily exploit and get around it.