I’ve been attempting to create a logging system for my in-game anti-exploit. My goal is to send each log to discord using a webhook, but for some reason it isn’t working. It isn’t showing any error messages either.
Here is my script, obviously I censored the webhook URL.
Your fields are incorrect. “embed” should be “embeds”, also “embeds” should be an array of embed objects (tables) with the embed information. “Title” and “Description” should be lowercase
This worked, but I’ve been receiving “Error 429” after.
The AE report’s purpose was an auto-clicker, I believe that’s the reason why I’m getting the error.
Here’s the script that fires the Remote Event:
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local reason = "Usage of Auto-Clicker"
game.ReplicatedStorage.AE:FireServer(gen, reason)
game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("Reason Removed for space")
What can I add to this script to prevent the error code?
if tick() - last <= 0.1 then
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local reason = "Usage of Auto-Clicker"
game.ReplicatedStorage.AE:FireServer(gen, reason)