Why isn't my terrain filling underneath?

Sorry for the confusing title. I didn’t know how to word this thing. I’m trying to make terrain for my game, but it doesn’t “fill” at the bottom.
What I want it to look like: (from a Youtube video)

What it looks like for me:

I have tried searching on google and watching YouTube tutorials.
Please help!


Hi! I assume your using Gaea? I can help. Can you confirm that?

Yes, I know for a fact that this is Gaea Quadpsinner.

You should probably get support not from DevForum but from the Developers of the application you’re using…

Yeah, right here

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Cool, mind taking this to DMs, as this isn’t roblox related.

@FxllenCode @Edwarrrddd
Ok I sent QuadSpinner and email in “contact us”

I can help you, send me a DM on the devforum.