(In Blender) Is there something wrong with my settings or something because the sub surface modifier isn’t affecting the whole shape. I didn’t have this problem before and I was wondering if anyone else was having trouble with this. Without modifier
It’s working perfectly. The subdivision modifier subdivides the object and gives it a smoother look. That’s what it did with that crown, it subdivided the faces and gave them a smoother look. It’s not working as you intended probably because the object is too thin so it looks kinda weird.
Do you mean like go into edit mode and click on the single vertex then right click? Then choose smooth vertices? I was kind of copying this video and I don’t know why the creator didn’t have any problems https://youtu.be/FwrR4GFYQS0?t=59
I made this ghost earlier in the week and didn’t have a problem
Apply autosmooth to it, subdivision isn’t neccessairly meant to make things “smooth” more so it “smoothens” out and adds more to the vertices/actual polys.
To actually get smoothening, you’ll have to shade smooth as said before and if you want more control, enable auto smooth (click the weird green triangle on the side below modifiers and search for the setting).