Why isn’t the event triggering? I have the correct Instances, and Events, and no errors appear in the output.
local item = script.Parent
local clickDetector = item.ClickDetector
local selectionBox = item.SelectionBox
selectionBox.Visible = true
print("Did I do it correctly? The value is "..selectionBox.Visible..".")
selectionBox.Visible = false
print("Did I do it correctly? The value is "..selectionBox.Visible..".")
The output also doesn’t print, It’s a local script, and The Mouse icon changes.
script.Parent.SelectionBox.Visible = true
print("Did I do it correctly? The value is "..selectionBox.Visible..".")
script.Parent.SelectionBox.Visible = false
print("Did I do it correctly? The value is "..selectionBox.Visible..".")
This for one is not a bug and can be fixed by switching the local script to a script. I know this from prior experience with click detectors and functions. The api works completely fine when used by the server.
But i can confirm it works as server script…
Also i noticed even if you have error in local script it doesn’t log that error (but it does on server). It looks like it’s completly ignoring local script