Why isn't the sound playing from character?

I am trying to make it so when the player chats, a sound emits from the players character.
However for some reason the sounds that are supposed to be coming from the character are actually coming from the server even with the sounds being parented to the humanoid.
I have tried looking for answers, and I was told that I could parent the sound to something and that ROBLOX Studio would do the work on making it actually come from the thing I parented it to, this is not the case for some reason.

local rps = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local sounds = rps.sounds --this is a folder
local soundslistac= sounds.Accordion 
local soundslistaccor1 = soundslistac.Accor1 -- 1 and 2 are a folder in the folder in the folder of sounds and actually contain sound instances
local soundslistaccor2 = soundslistac.Accor2

		local humanoid = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		local copyofsfxac1 = sounds.Accordion.Accor1:Clone()
		copyofsfxac1.Parent = humanoid -- im parenting the sound folder to the humanoid, so that should mean its emitting from the character?
		local tableofsfx = copyofsfxac1:GetChildren()
		local amountofletter = themessage.len(themessage)
		if amountofletter < 5 then
				tableofsfx[math.random(1,15)]:Play() -- it doesn't play from the character :(

Help is appreciated as I have been stuck on this for almost an entire day! :smiling_face_with_tear:

Or the sound may be blocked by Roblox. I made my own sound and it said I copywrited. So just double check the abound works

Try parenting it to the HumanoidRootPart.

I have tried doing this, but it still plays from the server

What’s the sound properties?

I have just tried pre-setting the distances of how far the sound will travel and I am still experiencing the same problem.

(they all share the same properties like this)

is ur script a server or a local? and u want the sounds to be server or local?

the script is server because i want other players to be able to hear the sounds coming from the character.

right next to the play button when testing it says local, click on it so it says server and look to see if the audios are there or have a sound id ect
Screenshot 2022-07-15 11.18.22 PM

the sounds are playing just fine and they are in a folder in the characters humanoidrootpart when the game is loaded up, however it is not playing specifically from the character which i want it to do.

sound should be playing from a part and not like a humanoid i belive, and then use rolloff of whtv its called to hear it from certain ranges

It turns out that the sound instances parents SPECIFICALLY have to be parented to the part that is playing the sound, no matter even if it is in a folder that is parented to the object you want to play it in.
Fixed code:

local rps = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local sounds = rps.sounds --this is a folder
local soundslistac= sounds.Accordion 
local soundslistaccor1 = soundslistac.Accor1 -- 1 and 2 are a folder in the folder in the folder of sounds and actually contain sound instances
local soundslistaccor2 = soundslistac.Accor2

   	local humanoid = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
   	local copyofsfxac1 = sounds.Accordion.Accor1:Clone()
   	local tableofsfx = copyofsfxac1:GetChildren()
   	for i, v in pairs(tableofsfx) do -- parenting each specific sound instance to humanoidrootpart
   		v.Parent = humanoid
   		local amountofletter = themessage.len(themessage)
   		if amountofletter < 5 then
   			tableofsfx[math.random(1,15)]:Play() -- it plays from character now!


Thanks for the help :slight_smile: