Why it doesnt cloned?


I have a model that will be cloned if a player enters the game, but only an empty model is cloned

	local character = game.ReplicatedStorage.Character:Clone()
	character.Parent = game.Workspace
	character.Name = Player.Name


But on the server it was cloned normally

set the characters .Archivable property to true before cloning

	game.ReplicatedStorage.Character.Archivable = true

	local character = game.ReplicatedStorage.Character:Clone()

It didn’t help if I wrote everything correctly

Try putting the character to a set location when you clone it into workspace.

	character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = Vector3.new(0,10,0)

It doesn’t help

Is the character a rig or model?

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I think replace Character with a rig named Character and it should work.

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