Why jumping lags with Custom Character?

I don’t want my custom character to lag while jumping
Everytime I test my custom character and I jump the character lags. I removed animations even and keeps doing the same. I checked rig made in blender and looks fine. I tried autmatic scaling on humanoid , not worked, All the other animations work well. Only when jumping lags.

Ho can I fix this?

This isn’t really enough to go off of for a proper solution to be given.
But you should be looking at the Micro Profiler to see what is causing the slowdown.

Thanks. How can I do that? And what should I look for with it? It is quite weird that only when jumping. All other anims works smoothly.

Look for big spikes on the graph, then pause the profiler and see what is causing the spike.

Thanks ! I will see it and try to figure the issue out!

Solution? not sure if it is a bug… but the problem was I had the animations inside the model and not it serverstorage. Not sure why!! but If I removed anims everything plays well…