I need custom characters which partially depend on the player’s avatar description.
Apply description refuses to add clothes/accesories unless I use a dummy.
I can’t use a startercharacter because for some reason it doesn’t always apply humanoid appearance.
So I load a character by player.Character = dummyClone where the clone was renamed to the player and had the appearance added to it. It’s reliable as the appearance always loads as expected.
Problem? Setting a tool’s parent to backpack just doesn’t work. No error, prints say it’s parented to backpack and that the character is parented to workspace, but, tool never appears in backpack. It works when I use a startercharacter or normal character but i have different issues with startercharacter and would rather not use normal character so the player can start with certain attachments, trails etc and I can set the character up before putting it in workspace.
Help plz
Note that I modified the humanoidappearance a bit before applying as there’s some accessory types I don’t want, plus I want player to be blocky so set bodypart ids to 0.