Why my Game looks Pixelated?

Hello, I am making a Homestore Game on Roblox I want the game to look high-quality and good looking but after putting my Render settings to level 21 it still looks pixelated can you share some tips on improving your game graphics.



It could be the blur idk sorry

Blur enabled:-

Blur disabled:-


Yeah I really dunno I thought that was it sorry

Uh, it’s possible to go above 10 or whatever the in-game max graphics are?

What you want is anti-aliasing, but I don’t think Roblox has it built in. Most image editors out there should have some way of making screenshots less pixelated.

Roblox has anti-aliasing built in to an extent. It’s noticeable AA but it barely changes much. It’s most likely a bug if the AA doesn’t show in studio after putting render settings to 21.

To get the AA to work you need to put your render settings to 21. In-game put the graphics to 10.

Pretty sure studio is just generally lower quality than in game

Have you tried putting both rendering and edit quality to max?

They are talking about Studio graphics, it goes up to level 20 I believe.

Never realised.
Me who wants to get more FPS since AA isn’t needed on a 1080p 15.6in screen:

Possibly, I only thought it went up to 20 in Studio render settings though?

Probably, it is running in a Lua VM after all, right?

Yes, I have tried but the graphics still look pixelated :frowning:

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This is a video game, so it’s obviously going to look pixelated. I would turn up your graphics so that pixels are less visible.

Hello Everyone, :wave:

I found a solution to: “Why my Game look Pixelated?” :white_check_mark:

So basically, if you have DepthOfField enabled in Roblox Studio, it makes your Game look more Pixelated.


DepthOfField Enabled

DepthOfField Disabled

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