I’ve recived some feedback for my game where they tell me to check my game ping, “it’s to high even tough theres almost nothing on the background” (avg. ~240ms), so I started a solo server (I didn’t, my game just have 0 active players) and still being alone, some optimizations I already did, and only in the spawn, I got on avg 110ms, I went to another game to check it out, and my ping was ~80ms, why its my game so laggy?, somebody tell me why please.
(Also, I have almost no knowledge about how to keep the ping for my game low, apart from avoiding while true loops)
The rot of my problem was a mix composed of bad internet connection, my home country being far away from the closest roblox server and some while true loops wich were used not so often but they would acumulate (for some reason?), wich now that I think about it, we need more servers for south america, having one in sao paulo it’s just not enough