Why my Lobby Look little Missing something?

Am Fan Tower Defense and i want try make one of game Tower Defense, so i begin Make lobby First but it feel something i missing and idk what is it? [or i just overthinking??]

Feed back me to put something
Thank you Ya’ll!


Maybe better lighting. Looking at it is looks very very good. I also recommend adding plants and greenery.


Thank you and i will add Fix the Light and Add Some Plants!


I’d add some decorations on the carpet (?) in the store room, perhaps some plants like Meve mentioned. I believe some stanchions (see attached) could work seeing the general atmosphere, but other than the slightly empty store room, it seems good.

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the amount of empty space looks huge because of how much of the carpet is the same color/texture, maybe break it up like casinos do with different carpet or materials following the desire paths of the player

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I suggest getting the lighting better and adding more “POIS” to fill in the gap say if you have a gui for a shop you can make an actual in game shop like the actual tds game that will help it feel more complete

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First off, Wow it looks awesome! but I think you can use some water, Maybe a water fountain could pull it off. LOOKS WICKED THO!

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Well yea my friend try make plant but i look like plant from PVZ and uh he kinda lazy make stanchions peferect but maybe i will fix or replace some