Am Fan Tower Defense and i want try make one of game Tower Defense, so i begin Make lobby First but it feel something i missing and idk what is it? [or i just overthinking??]
Feed back me to put something
Thank you Ya’ll!
Am Fan Tower Defense and i want try make one of game Tower Defense, so i begin Make lobby First but it feel something i missing and idk what is it? [or i just overthinking??]
Maybe better lighting. Looking at it is looks very very good. I also recommend adding plants and greenery.
Thank you and i will add Fix the Light and Add Some Plants!
I’d add some decorations on the carpet (?) in the store room, perhaps some plants like Meve mentioned. I believe some stanchions (see attached) could work seeing the general atmosphere, but other than the slightly empty store room, it seems good.
the amount of empty space looks huge because of how much of the carpet is the same color/texture, maybe break it up like casinos do with different carpet or materials following the desire paths of the player
I suggest getting the lighting better and adding more “POIS” to fill in the gap say if you have a gui for a shop you can make an actual in game shop like the actual tds game that will help it feel more complete
First off, Wow it looks awesome! but I think you can use some water, Maybe a water fountain could pull it off. LOOKS WICKED THO!