Why My Sit Animation don't work?

Hello, actually I’m trying to do a game with sit animations, and the problem is that the animation only work in the Roblox Studio.

I used this script:

seat = script.Parent
function added(child)
if (child.className==“Weld”) then
human = child.part1.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
if human ~= nil then
anim = human:LoadAnimation(seat.sitanim)

function removed(child2)
if anim ~= nil then


Then I put a animation that is called: sitanim, and inside is the animation

If you know what is the problem please tell me

Is the animation uploaded to the correct place and does it have the right priority set?

Yes, and It still not working.

Can you send the F9 dev console image in the studio and in game? As well as a video of it working in studio.

Are you sure your the owner?

This sounds weird, but if you upload it to your group it wont work in your own games - if you upload it to yourself it wont work in your group games. This is the only real occurrence where it works in studio but not in game.

I’m not the owner, I put it in my group, but what I need to do?
When I enter in the group and then in the game still don’t work the animations.

It looks like this:

If the GAME is created by you, the animation has to be as well.
If the game is created by the group, the animation had to be as well.

It works in studio because studio ignores that requirement. It’s essentially to prevent people from stealing each other’s animations.

Here is in game:

Here is in studio:

So, I need to make a new game?

And, there is any way to change the owner?

So is the animation uploaded to another group? Cause if so you need to upload it to your current group.

Wait, I know. Now it work!
Thanks you!