Why my UI doesn't change position?

Why my UI doesn’t change the position ???

here my code

local Frame = script.Parent

local SpeedometerFrame = Frame.Speedometer
local OriginalSpeedometerPosition = UDim2.new(0.811917305, 0, 0.683378398, 0)
local GoalSpeedometerPosition = UDim2.new(OriginalSpeedometerPosition.X.Scale,0,1,0)

-- Setup

--SpeedometerFrame.Visible = false
SpeedometerFrame.Position = GoalSpeedometerPosition

while wait() do
	if Humanoid.WalkSpeed > 30 then
		SpeedometerFrame.Position = OriginalSpeedometerPosition
	elseif Humanoid.WalkSpeed <= 30 then
		SpeedometerFrame.Position = GoalSpeedometerPosition

Problem Solved :slight_smile:
If you have this type of problem, search if there is a script that modify the position

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