Why no loadingscreen?

local replicatedFirst = game:GetService(“ReplicatedFirst”)
local contentProvider = game:GetService(“ContentProvider”)
local tweenService = game:GetService(“TweenService”)
local players = game:GetService(“Players”)

local player = players.LocalPlayer
local playerGui = player:WaitForChild(“PlayerGui”)
local loadingScreen = script:WaitForChild(“Loadingscreen”)

replicatedFirst: RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen()

local assets = game:GetDescendants()

local clonedLoadingScreen = loadingScreen:Clone()
clonedLoadingScreen.Parent = playerGui

for i = 1, #assets do
local asset = assets[i]
local percentage = math.round(i / #assets * 100)


clonedLoadingScreen.BackGround.Displayporcent.Text = percentage.. "%"
clonedLoadingScreen.BackGround.DisplayassetsLoaded.Text = "Loading Assets: "..i.."/"..#assets

if i% 5 == 0 then

if  i == #assets then


My best guess would be to remove that print(game:GetDescendants()) line which you added before the loop. This prevents all the other code from running because this line itself takes time in getting all the descendants.

still not loading further :confused: i deleted it

the print(game:GetDescendants())

Uhh are you sure you changed the name to “LoadingScreen” in the WaitForChild line?

i changed and now i don’t got any loadingscreen anymore

I recommend you should make it really simple: since the descandents are already loaded, this won’t be very effective. I recommend you just make a long tween with the loading bar.

i see what i do maybe i hire my scripter or pay him and he can add it thanks for helping guys

Yeah but fake loading screens are taboo and useless.

Nah you don’t have to pay anyone to fix something like this. At that point they’re basically scamming you.

Yea its probably because they use the same technique as just I said.

i alr have hired scripter but hes sleeping

Alright. Try adding print(i, #assets) at the last line of the for loop and send your output.