Hello there! I have a question that’s in topic. Why replicated first’s scripts are loading faster than replicated storage?
That’s very annoying when you test a script and you get an error like ‘Something isn’t a valid member of ReplicatedStorage’ and you need to place WaitForChild(). Isn’t that hard to load storages first and after replicated first?
Stuff in replicated first loads as soon as the player joins, if you need something to load straight away then put it in replicated first
But why when I test scripts that take something from replicated storage can give an error that there’s no member with that name?
Stuff in replicated storage does not load straight away stuff in replicated first does
The point of ReplicatedFirst is what it’s name implies.
It replicates first. Which means when the server sends data, stuff in ReplicatedFirst is sent first to the client. It’s the first thing that loads before everything else in the game loads.
It’s a good practice to use :WaitForChild() to prevent issues relating to loading.
To check if the game is loaded you can use game:IsLoaded()
If you wan’t to wait until the game loads do
if not game:IsLoaded() then
It’s also good to note that the primary purpose for ReplicatedFirst is to make custom loading screens, and that you generally don’t need to put things there otherwise.