Why this script this script dont work

Why this script dont work,

  • Local Script

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local Start = 0 -- If player is dead back to 0


if Player:WaitForChild("HeadStats").Alpha.Value == 0 and Start == 0 then -- proceed here


Start = 1 -- Change to 1

game.ReplicatedStorage.TrailScripts.Equip.RemoteAlpha:FireServer() -- Fire a server


Are there any errors in the output or developer console?

I dont see any errors. with it.

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Start = 0 -- If player is dead back to 0
while wait(3) do
warn("Alright we checked it") -- When i die it stuck here and it not proceed to other line even its 0
if Player:WaitForChild("HeadStats").Alpha.Value == 0 and Start == 0 then -- proceed here
	print("Checked while Head is right!")
	Start = 1 -- Change to 1
		game.ReplicatedStorage.TrailScripts.Equip.RemoteAlpha:FireServer() -- Fire a server

If there are no errors but the script won’t output anything, then I think that it had not been able to pass this if-statement.