Why was this ad moderated?

The title is pretty self-explanatory. I uploaded this ad earlier today and it immediately was rejected and taken down, and by that I mean immediately. From what I can tell it was complying with the ToS 100%, and yet it still got taken down. Any insight with this would be much appreciated!


Video of me uploading it: I was making a youtube video and forgot to stop recording

Thank you all in advance, I hope to get to the bottom of this!
Happy developing! :smile: :video_game:


I donā€™t think ads are meant to be used to hire people, instead they should be used to advertise actual games since most users on the platform arenā€™t developers looking to be hired.

If you want to hire developers, you could create a post in the #collaboration section.


The thing is, I uploaded another banner ad that didnā€™t get moderated, which basically had the same info.

In that case, Iā€™m not sure why your ad got moderated. Maybe the Banner wasnā€™t noticed by Roblox?

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This could be due to different moderators moderating banners, one moderator may have thought it was fine where as, another may have been against the idea of hiring through the use of ads.

Or, like @TheBasicNoobOfBasics said, it may have not been noticed by Roblox before.

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Iā€™m gonna be realistic here, we have an incompetent system sometimes and i already learned a lot of injustices cases of moderation in the past so in this case i donā€™t know what could be the cause. You can try luck with support if u like to see why.

Btw you can do what unknow recommended for you if you want to hire a scripter.

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Im noticing the text in the middle part may be ā€œhard to readā€, try resizing it and making it darker or shorter text, see if that fixes the issue.

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Like the others said, it may have been moderated because the ad is trying to hire people. I honestly donā€™t know. Nice ad btw.

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Probably just a bot, if you uploaded another banner with the same information and it passed then I see no reason why this one would get taken down.

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I think because actual ads are used to promote games/groups and not for hiring.

thatā€™s what I think but if Iā€™m wrong then welp.