Why won't my character spawn at the right area?

Hey there! I am making different lobbies for my game, and when I try giving players a value for which lobby, they won’t spawn right.
My code:

local PlacePlayer = Instance.new("StringValue")
	PlacePlayer.Name = "PlayerPlace"
	PlacePlayer.Value = "Park"
	PlacePlayer.Parent = player


function newCharacter(character)
	local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
	local trail = player.PlayerTrail.Value
	local speed = player.leaderstats.Speed.Value
	if player:WaitForChild("PlayerPlace").Value == "Park" then
	elseif player:WaitForChild("PlayerPlace").Value == "Desert" then
--other code........

robloxapp-20210217-1624160.wmv (1.3 MB)
This video shows me spawning at the desert area, then the park, then the desert area again, even though he clearly has the park value.
Screenshot 2021-02-17 163001
It also does not print anything when the player first joins, but does when the player resets.
Does anyone know why this happens?


Were there any errors when you tested?

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I think more of your code needs to be visible; primarily, when the function is called.

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There were no errors what so ever, which is strange

Sorry it took me forever to reply, here is my full code:

--creates and stores player stats in the roblox server

--Create a spot in Roblox servers to store data
local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("SpeedSimData")

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")

local badgeID = 2124670700

local boughRequest = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("BoughtRequest")

_G.boughtArray = {}

--Runs when a player enters the game
function onPlayerEntered(player)
	--Create a key to store player stats
	local initKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_init"
	local stepsKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_steps"
	local pointsKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_points"
	local speedKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_speed"
	local trailKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_trail"
	local animKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_anim"
	local petKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_pet"
	local xpKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_xp"
	local levelKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_level"
	local orbsBadgeKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_orbsBadge"
	local winsBadgeKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_winsBadge"
	local particleKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_particle"
	local boughtKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_bought"
	--Creates default stats for new players
	if(datastore:GetAsync(initKey) == nil) then
		datastore:SetAsync(initKey, true)
		datastore:SetAsync(stepsKey, 0)
		datastore:SetAsync(pointsKey, 0)
		datastore:SetAsync(speedKey, 1)
		datastore:SetAsync(trailKey, "DefaultTrail")
		datastore:SetAsync(animKey, "DefaultAnim")
		datastore:SetAsync(petKey, "DefaultPet")
		datastore:SetAsync(xpKey, 0)
		datastore:SetAsync(levelKey, 1)
		datastore:SetAsync(orbsBadgeKey, 0)
		datastore:SetAsync(winsBadgeKey, 0)
		datastore:SetAsync(particleKey, "DefaultParticleTrail")
		datastore:SetAsync(boughtKey, {})
		-- Fetch badge information
		local success, badgeInfo = pcall(function()
			return BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync(badgeID)
		if success then
			-- Confirm that badge can be awarded
			if badgeInfo.IsEnabled then
				-- Award badge
				local awarded, errorMessage = pcall(function()
					BadgeService:AwardBadge(player.UserId, badgeID)
					print("Badge Awarded to " .. player.Name)
				if not awarded then
					warn("Error while awarding badge:", errorMessage)
			warn("Error while fetching badge info!")
	if (datastore:GetAsync(trailKey) == nil) then
		datastore:SetAsync(trailKey, "DefaultTrail")
	if (datastore:GetAsync(animKey) == nil) then
		datastore:SetAsync(animKey, "DefaultAnim")
	if (datastore:GetAsync(animKey) == "DefaultAnimation") then
		datastore:SetAsync(animKey, "DefaultAnim")
	if (datastore:GetAsync(petKey) == nil) then
		datastore:SetAsync(petKey, "DefaultPet")
	if (datastore:GetAsync(xpKey) == nil) then
		datastore:SetAsync(xpKey, 0)
	if (datastore:GetAsync(levelKey) == nil) then
		datastore:SetAsync(levelKey, 1)
	if (datastore:GetAsync(orbsBadgeKey) == nil) then
		datastore:SetAsync(orbsBadgeKey, 0)
	if (datastore:GetAsync(winsBadgeKey) == nil) then
		datastore:SetAsync(winsBadgeKey, 0)
	if (datastore:GetAsync(particleKey) == nil) then
		datastore:SetAsync(particleKey, "DefaultParticleTrail")
	if (datastore:GetAsync(boughtKey) == nil) then
		datastore:SetAsync(boughtKey, {})
	--Load in player's last saved stats
	local init = datastore:GetAsync(initKey)
	local steps = datastore:GetAsync(stepsKey)
	local points = datastore:GetAsync(pointsKey)
	local speed = datastore:GetAsync(speedKey)
	local trail = datastore:GetAsync(trailKey)
	local anim = datastore:GetAsync(animKey)
	local pet = datastore:GetAsync(petKey)
	local xp = datastore:GetAsync(xpKey)
	local level = datastore:GetAsync(levelKey)
	local orbsBadge = datastore:GetAsync(orbsBadgeKey)
	local winsBadge = datastore:GetAsync(winsBadgeKey)
	local particle = datastore:GetAsync(particleKey)
	local bought = datastore:GetAsync(boughtKey)
	_G.boughtArray[player.userId] = bought
	--Creates leaderboard
	local leaderstats = Instance.new("Model")
	leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
	leaderstats.Parent = player
	local stepsBoard = Instance.new("IntValue")
	stepsBoard.Name = "Steps"
	stepsBoard.Value = steps
	stepsBoard.Parent = leaderstats
	local speedBoard = Instance.new("IntValue")
	speedBoard.Name = "Speed"
	speedBoard.Value = speed
	speedBoard.Parent = leaderstats
	local pointsBoard = Instance.new("IntValue")
	pointsBoard.Name = "Points"
	pointsBoard.Value = points
	pointsBoard.Parent = leaderstats
	--Tracks player trail
	local playerTrail = Instance.new('StringValue')
	playerTrail.Name = "PlayerTrail"
	playerTrail.Value = trail
	playerTrail.Parent = player
	local playerAnim = Instance.new('StringValue')
	playerAnim.Name = "PlayerAnim"
	playerAnim.Value = anim
	playerAnim.Parent = player
	local playerPet = Instance.new('StringValue')
	playerPet.Name = "PlayerPet"
	playerPet.Value = pet
	playerPet.Parent = player
	--Tracks whether player is in a race
	local playerIsRacing = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	playerIsRacing.Name = "PlayerIsRacing"
	playerIsRacing.Value = false
	playerIsRacing.Parent = player
	local playerHasTouched = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	playerHasTouched.Name = "PlayerHasTouched"
	playerHasTouched.Value = false
	playerHasTouched.Parent = player
	local playerHasPass2x = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	playerHasPass2x.Name = "PlayerHasPass2x"
	playerHasPass2x.Value = false
	playerHasPass2x.Parent = player
	local playerHasPassDoublePoints = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	playerHasPassDoublePoints.Name = "PlayerHasPassDoublePoints"
	playerHasPassDoublePoints.Value = false
	playerHasPassDoublePoints.Parent = player
	local playerHasPassConvert = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	playerHasPassConvert.Name = "PlayerHasPassConvert"
	playerHasPassConvert.Value = false
	playerHasPassConvert.Parent = player
	local playerHasPassOtherConvert = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	playerHasPassOtherConvert.Name = "PlayerHasPassOtherConvert"
	playerHasPassOtherConvert.Value = false
	playerHasPassOtherConvert.Parent = player
	local playerHasPassStepGain = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	playerHasPassStepGain.Name = "PlayerHasPassStepGain"
	playerHasPassStepGain.Value = false
	playerHasPassStepGain.Parent = player
	local playerHasPassOtherStepGain = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	playerHasPassOtherStepGain.Name = "PlayerHasPassOtherStepGain"
	playerHasPassOtherStepGain.Value = false
	playerHasPassOtherStepGain.Parent = player
	local playerResetCharacter = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	playerResetCharacter.Name = "PlayerResetCharacter"
	playerResetCharacter.Value = false
	playerResetCharacter.Parent = player
	local playerNoRaceMode = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	playerNoRaceMode.Name = "PlayerNoRaceMode"
	playerNoRaceMode.Value = false
	playerNoRaceMode.Parent = player
	local MorePoints = Instance.new("IntValue")
	MorePoints.Name = "MorePoints"
	MorePoints.Value = 0
	MorePoints.Parent = player
	--Tracks speed orb steps value
	local orbGuiInt = Instance.new("IntValue")
	orbGuiInt.Name = "StepsBonusCheck"
	orbGuiInt.Value = 0
	orbGuiInt.Parent = player
	local XP = Instance.new("IntValue")
	XP.Name = "XP"
	XP.Value = xp
	XP.Parent = player
	local Level = Instance.new("IntValue")
	Level.Name = "Level"
	Level.Value = level
	Level.Parent = player
	local OrbsBadge = Instance.new("IntValue")
	OrbsBadge.Name = "OrbsBadgeCount"
	OrbsBadge.Value = orbsBadge
	OrbsBadge.Parent = player
	local WinsBadge = Instance.new("IntValue")
	WinsBadge.Name = "WinsBadgeCount"
	WinsBadge.Value = winsBadge
	WinsBadge.Parent = player
	local ParticlePlayer = Instance.new("StringValue")
	ParticlePlayer.Name = "PlayerParticleTrail"
	ParticlePlayer.Value = particle
	ParticlePlayer.Parent = player
	local PlacePlayer = Instance.new("StringValue")
	PlacePlayer.Name = "PlayerPlace"
	PlacePlayer.Value = "Park"
	PlacePlayer.Parent = player
	--Tracks speed orb color 
	local orbGuiBCV = Instance.new("BrickColorValue")
	orbGuiBCV.Name = "BCVCheck"
	orbGuiBCV.Value = BrickColor.Black()
	orbGuiBCV.Parent = player
	--MainLoop Instance Creation
	local serverStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
	local mainLoopInstance = serverStorage.MainLoop:Clone()
	mainLoopInstance.Name = "MainLoop" .. player.UserId
	mainLoopInstance.Disabled = false
	mainLoopInstance.Parent = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
	-- Connects to newCharacter function



function onPlayerLeaving(player)
	local userId = player.UserId
	local leaderstats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
	local steps = leaderstats.Steps.Value
	local speed = leaderstats.Speed.Value
	local points = leaderstats.Points.Value
	local trail = player.PlayerTrail.Value
	local anim = player.PlayerAnim.Value
	local pet = player.PlayerPet.Value
	local xp = player.XP.Value
	local level = player.Level.Value
	local orbsBadge = player.OrbsBadgeCount.Value
	local winsBadge = player.WinsBadgeCount.Value
	local particle = player.PlayerParticleTrail.Value
	local bought = _G.boughtArray[player.userId]
	local stepsKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_steps"
	local pointsKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_points"
	local speedKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_speed"
	local trailKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_trail"
	local animKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_anim"
	local petKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_pet"
	local xpKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_xp"
	local levelKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_level"
	local orbsBadgeKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_orbsBadge"
	local winsBadgeKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_winsBadge"
	local particleKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_particle"
	local boughtKey = "user_" .. player.userId .. "_bought"
	datastore:SetAsync(stepsKey, steps)
	datastore:SetAsync(pointsKey, points)
	datastore:SetAsync(speedKey, speed)
	datastore:SetAsync(trailKey, trail)
	datastore:SetAsync(animKey, anim)
	datastore:SetAsync(petKey, pet)
	datastore:SetAsync(xpKey, xp)
	datastore:SetAsync(levelKey, level)
	datastore:SetAsync(orbsBadgeKey, orbsBadge)
	datastore:SetAsync(winsBadgeKey, winsBadge)
	datastore:SetAsync(particleKey, particle)
	datastore:SetAsync(boughtKey, bought)


function newCharacter(character)
	local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
	local trail = player.PlayerTrail.Value
	local speed = player.leaderstats.Speed.Value
	if player:WaitForChild("PlayerPlace").Value == "Park" then
	elseif player:WaitForChild("PlayerPlace").Value == "Desert" then
	local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
	if player.PlayerIsRacing.Value == true then
		player.PlayerIsRacing.Value = false
	local storedTrail = game.ReplicatedStorage[trail]
	local playerTrail = storedTrail:Clone()
	playerTrail.Parent = character.HumanoidRootPart
	local emmiter = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(player.PlayerParticleTrail.Value)

	if character:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") then
		playerTrail.Attachment0 = character.Head.FaceFrontAttachment
		playerTrail.Attachment1 = character.UpperTorso.WaistRigAttachment
		local Middle = character.UpperTorso.BodyBackAttachment
		local Right = character.UpperTorso.RightShoulderRigAttachment
		local Left = character.UpperTorso.LeftShoulderRigAttachment
		local emmiterClone = emmiter:Clone()
		emmiterClone.Parent = Middle
		local emmiterClone2 = emmiter:Clone()
		emmiterClone2.Parent = Right
		local emmiterClone3 = emmiter:Clone()
		emmiterClone3.Parent = Left
		playerTrail.Attachment0 = character.Head.FaceFrontAttachment
		playerTrail.Attachment1 = character.HumanoidRootPart.RootRigAttachment
	humanoid.WalkSpeed = speed

function onBoughtRequest(player)
	while (_G.boughtArray[player.userId] == nil) do
	return _G.boughtArray[player.userId]

boughRequest.OnServerInvoke = onBoughtRequest

So, this may do nothing at all, but try putting ALL of your connections (outside of functions) at the bottom of your code. I’m not sure off the top of my head if this can create a scope issue, but I would at least try it.

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Make sure the “Neutral” property of each spawn location is disabled.

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I tried that, and it won’t spawn at any of them…

I would, but I need some of them to stay inside the functions, like the newCharacter, so it can grab the player

No, I know.

More specifically:


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They are though, as far as I know… they aren’t inside anything

Lemme reword: all of your connections, that are outside of functions, should be at the bottom of the code. :slight_smile:

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Ahh! ok, let me try that. my big brain… :laughing:

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Unfortunately, this did not work, what is mind boggling about this is that it will still print, and do all the other stuff in the characterAdded function… :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Try this instead?

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Now, I know there is way to make them spawn based on the teams, but it clogs up the leaderboard… But that would be my solution, if I could take away the leaderboard part of it.

AAHH, that didn’t work either! I somehow managed to mess something up with the spawners I guess… who knows, thanks for helping though by the way…

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Ok I have been racking my brain for this. Maybe try:


I’m not sure if it’s returning nil and ignoring it?

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You have a lot of datastore requests in your script, try putting all of your data in a table and save/load that instead if having a separate datastore for everything.

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Sigh…sadly…it just does the same thing