Why wont my mobile weapon gui work?

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I want to add a custom mobile ability GUI to a weapon im reworking, and the buttons will not work at all, yet they work fine on pc.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

it just will not activate


  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I saw in another article that it was caused by a auto scale gui plugin, which i do have one of those and did use it. However, i do not know if im just doing it wrong. No errors occur in the output either.

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Instead of having:

Gui.["your gui name idk"].Activated:Connect(function()


Gui.["Your GUI Name"].MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
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doesn’t work either, but since it’s a mobile gui, I will try to do TouchTap:Connect()

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That is wierd, is your GUI an image button?

Edit: Also it always works for me so Idk why it aint working for you.

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No, it is a normal text button

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These buttons usually work for me, it’s just that I think my auto scale plugin curropted it, as it happened to another person. If it did, I will just replace the buttons.

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Alright, when you’re auto scaling a GUI, use Auto Scale Lite as it’s the best one out there, and it doesnt corrupt anything. Just install it, click Unit Conversion, a menu will appear, click scale for both options, but DO NOT CLICK OFFSET.


That must be why, I accidentally pressed offset at first. Thanks for the help!

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Are you sure that the RemoteEvents are firing or the event is being received? Just add print statements to check if they run and lmk.


Yes, it works perfectly fine on the pc, version, I will be finishing the abilities then I will bug test on mobile, and fix it.

no problem, good luck on your game!

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