Why wont my script update my GUI?

Hello Devs!

Quick one, my script isn’t throwing any errors, and is printing when complete. It updates the text in the properties, but doesn’t display it?

Any help is appreciated!

local description = game.ReplicatedStorage.Description

	game.StarterGui.TimerUI.Description.Text = description.Value
	print("robux robux robux")

You need to use playergui not startergui. By doing that you need to get the players.

Okay, i’ll try this now and let you know!

local description = game.ReplicatedStorage.Description

	game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.TimerUI.Description.Text = description.Value
	print("robux robux robux")
local Replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local Description = Replicated:WaitForChild("Description")

   LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.TimerGui.Description.Text = Description.Text

I assume Description is a Text, and not Value.

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Thanks for this, works perfectly fine now!

I was using a Script instead of a local script too.

I’ma new scripter, thanks for the tips all!

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Use a local script when calling a local player. Just so you know. And you’re welcome!

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Just know local script shows only for the player not all of the players.

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