Why won't my texture transfer over Cycles Render?

Ok, so I’m trying to make my second render ever, and It wont work. It won’t transfer the roblox avatars skin, it comes out looking like this.

This is how it comes out in Blender Render

How I put my texture on it originally: I upload the obj file to blender, click the circle press texture
How would I do it with cycles render?

It won’t render because the materials are not compatible with one another. A material for Blender Internal won’t work with Cycles and vice versa.

I’ve never used Cycles before but Google is often a useful tool when dealing with third party programs. I found this after an extremely quick search: How do I convert materials from Blender Internal to Cycles? - Blender Stack Exchange

Looks like there’s a python script you can use. And blender 2.79 has one included with it.

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Both of those links were dead ends.

Hmm, just going off of what details I have here, so apologies if I’m wrong, but you did apply the proper nodes yes? You will need to include an Image Texture node, linking it up to be part of the chain to the material output. Cycles does change things from the usual Blender renders, but the freedom of the node system, once you’ve got the basics down, should be rather useful in your renders!

Since this would be your first Cycles Render, I’d also suggest taking a look at this page, which gives a basic explanation to what each node does to your materials. You will need to play around with these, since there are a lot of ways to mix and match these tools, but it should give you an idea on what purpose each one provides.

Best of luck on your way to getting the hang of it! I’ve only started using nodes recently, and while I do still run into a good amount of roadblocks, the flexibility I’ve got now is already a great positive over the default Blender Render engine.

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I’m so lost right now with this node stuff…

That article was too complicated for me

Oh! Silly me, I was so focused so much on including the details that I missed the basics. This should be a tutorial which shows the basics on how to use the node menu itself.

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There’s more info on the forum thread that is linked to by the first answer if you bother to read it.

The easiest is probably to use the built-in one though. If you click the ‘second dead end’ link you’ll find the archive from 2.6/2.77: https://archive.blender.org/wiki/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D_interaction/Materials_Utils/

Materials Utils appears to be gone in 2.8, but if you’re using that version there’s plenty of user-created add ons to fill the gap and do the same job readily available.

What worked for me when i first started out with cycles was rather simple. As soon as you start blender, switch to cycles and then import your models.

Alternative method if above doesn't work

This is the material tab, found in the right bar on the default blender layout.image
The main thing in this image is the Surface tab. Set “Surface” To “Diffuse”, and “Color” to “Image Texture”, then choose the texture when clicking the Open button. You can leave the other options for now. Do this on your torso/a body part first since it will do most (if not all) of the avatar, then if any individual items are left repeat the process for them too.

If you see this (below) instead of the other surface/color options, just click the “Use Nodes” button