“Vers String”
I can show you the sending script if you want aswell
“Vers String”
I can show you the sending script if you want aswell
No need.
I was checking that you are receiving a “String” because that is what you need.
well im confused…
I know you said you didnt want to see it but i need to figure this out and others may be able to use it, so here is the script for sending the data:
Are you checking on the server??? If you check it on the server, it WON’T change because changes on the client won’t replicate.
Try printing the current value to make really sure it really is there:
print("VN.Text = ", VN.Text)
checking what???
Are you checking the GUIs, like if it’s changing on the server-side?
the value is there
(also did i just send a message shorter than 30 letters before???)
i checked all the info gui, the one in playergui and the one in starter, neither had the right text.
Yes, but what context are you checking on, the client or server?
Try replacing the variables with a direct path (since you are not WaitingForChild anyway.
There is really no reason to setup a variable in this case:
local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.UpdateInfo
--local VN = script.Parent.GameVersion
--local FV = script.Parent.FriendFinderVersion
--local UN = script.Parent.UpdateName
--local BL = script.Parent.BuildLog
event.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Vers, FrenVers, UpdName, BldLog)
print(Vers, FrenVers, UpdName, BldLog)
script.Parent.GameVersion.Text = Vers
script.Parent.FriendFinderVersion.Text = FrenVers
script.Parent.UpdateName.Text = UpdName
script.Parent.BuildLog.Text = BldLog
still nothing!!!
Make sure the ScreenGui
that is visible during Play is the one in Player.PlayerGui
for your Player.
im pretty sure its supposed to be Thing.Text.Value, not Thing.Text
where are you seeing that???
Make sure the GUI you are working on is in StarterGui when you press Play.
It should show up in the Explorer under your Player/PlayerGui.
That is the one you should be looking at.
take all of your text values you are trying to assign, and put .Value at the end (ex. VN.Text.Value)
The sending script already does that, doing it again would break the script