Why wont text change

local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.UpdateInfo

local VN = script.Parent.GameVersion
local FV = script.Parent.FriendFinderVersion
local UN = script.Parent.UpdateName
local BL = script.Parent.BuildLog

event.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Vers, FrenVers, UpdName, BldLog)
	print(Vers, FrenVers, UpdName, BldLog)
	VN.Text.Value = Vers
	FV.Text.Value = FrenVers
	UN.Text.Value = UpdName
	BL.Text.Value = BldLog

doing this?

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so were tryng to get the value of the text of a textlabel? dont think that will work but ill try

Did you make sure the ScreenGui is inside the StarterGui when you press Play?

and it does not work…
kinda obvious, not trying to be mean

yes i did, i already told you that

sorry lol, confused it with something else and my studio isnt opening rn

ah, any other ideas tho???

Okay, it doesn’t make any sense.

Here is a test file:

Test.rbxl (59.5 KB)

See if you notice any difference between this test file and yours.

just send me the scripts from it, my internet is reallllyyy slow
(40 - 600kbs)

It is a grand total of 61 KB.

I think that is probably close to what you are sending and receiving right now.

It has a 2 scripts and a RemoteEvent.

bro just send me the scripts, please

If these are constant (the same for every server), then you should just store them in attributes. The client will be able to find them without the help of the server, so use those.

Sending you the scripts wont help you. But here you go:

Screen Shot 2024-04-13 at 10.15.53 PM

local stop = false
	script.RemoteEvent.Value:FireAllClients("Hello from Server")
until stop == true

The RemoteEvent is an ObjectValue shortcut to the RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage:

Screen Shot 2024-04-13 at 10.16.18 PM

Screen Shot 2024-04-13 at 10.17.17 PM

	script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = Message
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yeah i could, ill do tat later for right now im gonna go eat. have a good day everyone