Why wont the animation play?

  1. What do you want to achieve? A simple drink with an animation

  2. What is the issue? the animation isn’t working

here’s the code:

local Tool = script.Parent
local Anim = Tool.Animation

	local Character = Tool.Parent
	local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
	local AnimationTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim)


it’s for a cafe game and there’s multiple parts to the coffee, plus there’s a coffee making system so it starts off a regular cup and when you hold it over the sensor (coffee maker) the coffee part’s transparency is set to 0.


I don’t usually deal with animations, what I would recommend though, is that you check for spelling, and capitalization errors.

Check whether or not the character is anchored, welded or another animation is playing over with a higher priority. Also, make sure the Rig is compatible.

First off you need the animation Id. After that then you input it into the code like this:


	local Anim = Instance.new('Animation')

	Anim.AnimationId = 'rbxassetid://--Your Id Goes here'

	PlayAnim = Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim)



Edit: Put this in a local script inside StarterCharacterScripts Lemme know what happened @hopeshusbvnd I’m curios. Wait a minute this might not work gimme a sec.


There’s already an animation with the AnimationId in the tool but it wont work for some reason

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Put this in a local script inside the Tool

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Then send me a screenshot with the code inside the tool.

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@hopeshusbvnd There is no Id above. Ids are usually 10 digits long.

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here’s your code inside of the tool.

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Delete the first 2 Variables @hopeshusbvnd then it should work.

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Let me know if it works @hopeshusbvnd if it did mark my post as solved.

Here’s a video of what happened after I did that

Gimme a minute to fix this it. It should be done pretty quick.

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Here for the final time this WILL work:

local Tool = script.Parent
local Animation = --toolname goes here .Animation

local Anim = Instance.new('Animation')
local Character = Tool.Parent
local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
local AnimationTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation)
Anim.AnimationId = 'rbxassetid://--ID goes here'

Also add a animation inside your tool click the animation the click the animation value then put the animation in their and your done.

i only noticed today that humanoid.LoadAnimation is depreciated

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Have you set your animation priority to action? If not, it will not work.