while true do
script.Parent.Value = script.Parent.Parent.Text
Heres A Picture Of The Explorer:
(BTW, I tried to put print(script.Parent.Parent.Text) in the loop and it would print nothing…
also it seems that the script cant detect updated text box… also im on a server script.)
Text from a TextBox is client sided (unless changed from the server of course). You need to get it from the client. So, I would do it through a remote event.
Instead of using a while true do loop, we have Events! These nifty gimmicks have the capability of firing whenever a specific property of the Instance has been changed!
Also I do believe you’d need to use a LocalScript to handle UI Scripting
Judging by your hierarchy on the picture you sent:
local TextValue = script.Parent
local PasswordBox = TextValue.Parent
if EnterPressed then
TextValue.Value = PasswordBox.Text
Although it depends on what you’re going for here, since this would only be handled from your client side
Add a remote event and local script to the text box
type the following into the local script:
local textBox = script.Parent
local remoteEvent = textBox.RemoteEvent
then in that server script type this:
local textBox = script.Parent.Parent
local remoteEvent = textBox.RemoteEvent
script.Parent.Value = text