I am attempting to create a script where users with a certain rank in a group doesn’t have the fog but others do. Here is what I’ve come up with.
local Player = game:GetService("Players")
local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
if plr:GetRankInGroup(5030945) >= 6 then
game.ServerScriptService.Fog.Disabled = true
if plr:GetRankInGroup(5030945) <= 5 then
game.ServerScriptService.Fog.Disabled = false
Both this script and the script called “Fog” is located in ServerScriptService. Any help would be appreciated of why this won’t work.
Is there two script with the same name Fog? If that’s true, then you must change the actual fog’s name into another different name because the script gets confused which one to disable, and since it got confused, it thinks the compiler should disable THIS script.
One script it named fog, and the script that I leaked in this topic is named “FogRanks.” So I don’t think that’s the issue.
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Which one is named FogRanks? This script?
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Yes, this one is named FogRanks.
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May I ask why wouldn’t you use the Lighting service’s fog children as the fog?
Not sure. Should I be doing this a different way?
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Disabling scripts on the server affects everyone, and depending on when the script runs, may do nothing at all in this case.
What you need to do is check each player’s rank, as you’re doing, and fire a RemoteEvent to just that player, with the information about whether or not they should see fog, then you receive the event in a LocalScript so that your changes to Lighting properties affect only their client.
That doesn’t require any script. It would automatically add a fog, you’ll have to adjust the properties though.
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If you put Post Processing Effects into game.Lighting, it shows for the whole server regardless if the group rank is in there. Put your PPE into workspace.Camera instead and see how it goes.
Of course, you’ll need to change game:GetService("Lighting")
to workspace:FindFirstChild("Camera")