All this script does is show the title of the current song that is playing. It was working just fine yesterday, and now it doesn’t work.
Script: image hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
All this script does is show the title of the current song that is playing. It was working just fine yesterday, and now it doesn’t work.
Script: image hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
I see the problem here. Your basically getting the song id(int value) and doing this:
What’s the problem here you may ask? Your basically saying the song id(int value) has a name(string value) thus causing this error that contains the string value and the int value in the error.
the weird thing is that this script has worked before, so I don’t see why it would stop working now.
Maybe try it again, maybe see if that’d work.
You don’t really have to go deep into the root of why your script stopped working since an alternative may be the solution.
what alternative? this script is for a user-submitted music system so I really see this as the only way to get the title of the song
I call it an alternative but anyways I’ve only looked into the problem.
Also, when your getting the id, name is not going to be a valid member of it.
wait, could having “enable studio access to API services” disabled potentially be the issue here?
Well, that could just be the issue. Try disabling it.
not the issue unfortunately…
May i see the local script also?
Can I take a look on the local script that is responding to the FireAllClients event?
What’s on line 16? What code is one line 16
Never mind, I fixed the problem. Thank you.
I fixed the problem, thank you.