Why wont this work

Hello! im trying to get this system to turn the bgcolor of the template to green if the value == 1. But it wont work! please help there are no errors

local ZoneWalls = workspace:WaitForChild("Areas"):GetChildren()
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

local PlayersAreas = Player:WaitForChild("Areas"):GetChildren() 


for _, area in PlayersAreas do
	local Template = script._Template:Clone()
	Template.Name = area.Name
	Template.ZoneName.Text = area.Name
	Template.Parent = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Container")
		if area:IsA("BoolValue") then
			if area.Value == 1 then
				Template.BackgroundColor = Color3.fromRGB(85,255,0)

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Are you sure BackgroundColor shouldn’t be BackgroundColor3.
Also really don’t like to see a bool used like that. I’m sure it works but uggg.


Is this script set to run continuously to check if players are in the PlayersAreas? As it is it only runs once.

I don’t see a function to perform this check if players have left or entered the area.
A while true do loop could work, but it takes more work for the engine to keep checking that.

A bool value only stores true and false. I assume that you meant to do true.

local ZoneWalls = workspace:WaitForChild("Areas"):GetChildren()
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

local PlayersAreas = Player:WaitForChild("Areas"):GetChildren() 


for _, area in PlayersAreas do
	local Template = script._Template:Clone()
	Template.Name = area.Name
	Template.ZoneName.Text = area.Name
	Template.Parent = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Container")
		if area:IsA("BoolValue") then
			if area.Value == true then
				Template.BackgroundColor = Color3.fromRGB(85,255,0)

I think you meant to do this


Thanks lol! i’m new to scripting so i forget these things :slight_smile:

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