I believe this bug started when Roblox Studio updated yesterday. After the update, panels in Roblox Studio either got opened on their own or rearranged itself. Luckily, rearranging them back to their original state saved (for me at least), but panels opening themselves still persist.
In my case, opening Roblox Studio or starting a play test brings up the packet chart menu. Another developer stated that their number sequence editor menu opens up rather than my packet chart menu.
I am still experiencing this issue.
My output keeps disappearing when launching a local test server and its so annoying as im unable to see both server errors and client errors or prints when debugging.
This has also been an issue for me. I’ve tolerated it for the past few days, but it’s starting to really get on my nerves. Hopefully they can roll out a fix for this soon!
It has been happening to me too, I’ve been having this issue since 2022 I think, even before the docks were updated. Another annoying issue is that your studio window layouts reset sometimes (by window I mean like, the property tab, that kind of window).
I’ve noticed this too. I had to turn of the plugins to make it stop. I think is issue is related to the Faster Solo Play beta feature that they have been having a lot of problems with. I’ve turned that feature off and the issue disappeared.
My widgets were reset a few weeks ago. After reopening Roblox Studio a few times and fixing my widgets, they were eventually saved to how I wanted them. However, some plugin widgets are still automatically opened whenever I go into Play Solo.
I too have been experiencing this for the past 2-3 weeks after a studio update, some plugins decide to open despite being closed every single time, and even the toolbox window reopens if it’s not removed entirely. Disabling all beta features only prevented one plugin from opening automatically. Please look into this.
‘Load All Built-In Plugins in Test Mode’ was disabled, enabling it solved both the plugins’ and the Toolbox’s issue
I’ve been running only 1 studio instance
@Jaudr3y + others on the thread – here is how things are looking so far:
I found that the checking the checkbox in Settings fixes a most of the issues for plugins that shop with Studio (“built-in”).
I isolated a few cases that inconsistent user plugins:
We have 2+ widgets minimized into tabs - they maximize on start Play and then stop
3 widgets added as a vertical “stack” to one horizontal column (not as tabs but individual widgets) - one disappears after play
The “side-minimized” tabs seem to disappear or get maximized randomly.
well whenever i load in one of my studio workplaces(or restart studio to get moon animator reinstalled), some of my plugins/widgets just bug out as if the ui just completely breaks, but if i run test mode, suddenly my affected plugins work again?